The athletic programs at St. Martin de Porres Marianist School are centered around the C.O.R. values that are developed throughout the school. These fundamental values are directly stressed through the athletic program credo which states: “You are a lady/gentleman before you are a scholar; you are a scholar before you are an athlete.”
Using this philosophy, the student-athletes here at St. Martin’s understand that their behavior and attitude, both on and off the field, are a reflection of who they should become and upon what they are first judged. As they demonstrate good morality and good sportsmanship, they will be exhibiting strong C.O.R. values. They will appreciate the importance that their school work and education have in developing their character. Intelligence and responsibility are needed attributes in order to be successful both on and off the field.
In addition to the development of C.O.R. values, the athletic programs at St. Martin de Porres Marianist School have a further goal of being both the means of introduction to new physical activities as well as the formation of “a love for the game”. This is accomplished through the program’s fundamentals of I SEE.
I – Interest – Through the availability of so many sports programs here at SMMS, students have the opportunity to be introduced to activities that they may have never played before, but will be offered in high school. This allows students the ability to discover both their physical talents as well as an interest for becoming physically active.
S – Skills – Once students have become aware of a sport they are interested in, the next step is for them to develop the necessary motor and cognitive components needed to be competitive. Through participation in the practices and games held in the SMMS after-school program, students will turn their raw talent into finely honed skills.
E – Experience – The athletics programs at SMMS have grown steadily since the school’s inception. With teams participating in an increasing number of games, meets, and tournaments each year, traveling all over Long Island and New York City, students have a tremendous opportunity to see what it means to be part of a scholastic sports team. From regular season play to championship games, acting as both participants and hosts in special events, the experience is like no other.
E – Enthusiasm – At the middle school level the main goal of an athletic program should be to develop a passion for
physical activity that can be carried through the high school years and beyond. Our goal here at SMMS is to be the spark that ignites a passion for the game. Once lit, the enthusiasm that our students develop becomes the driving force to be the best.
It is through the Marianist tradition of taking Our Mother Mary into our lives that we can recognize the grace we have to accomplish the extraordinary. It is by following her amazing grace that that we can take the unknown, such as a new physical activity, and develop our abilities, enabling us to say now I SEE.

- Boys Basketball (Grades 6-8)
- Boys Bowling (Grades 6-8)
- Boys Soccer (Grades 6-8)
- Girls Cheerleading (Grades 6-8)
- Cross Country (Grades 6-8)
- Flag Football (Grades 5-8)
- Girls Basketball (Grades 6-8)
- Girls Bowling (Grades 6-8)
- Girls Soccer (Grades 6-8)
- Girls Volleyball Clinic Club (Grades 6-8)
- Girls Volleyball (Grades 6-8)
- Jr. Purple and Gold Dance (Grades 1-3)
- Purple and Gold Dance (Grades 6-8)
- Soccer Clinic Club (Grades 2-5)
- Track Conditioning Club (Grades 6-8)
- Track and Field (Grades 4-8)